Saturday, October 04, 2003

Our First Meeting

Last night was our first “ekklesia” in our home. A total of fourteen people were present, which seemed to be just the right number. Considering that for the most part there wasn’t an agenda, things flowed very well. We began at 6pm and I was surprised when I looked at the clock and it was 10pm. It didn’t feel like four hours had gone by. A handful of diehards stayed until about midnight, doing impromptu drum circles in the living room and later sitting around the table talking.

Here’s an abbreviated synopsis of some of what took place: Prior to dinner I shared scripture (mostly out of 1 Corinthians) about communion, the oneness of the body of Christ and how each of us is a valuable functioning part of the body. We had a fantastic meal together. Lot’s of interaction between individuals, sharing of scripture, encouragement, catching-up on one-another’s lives, etc. After dinner, we sat around the living room and prayed, sang worship songs (sometimes led by guitar, sometimes acapella), shared, ministered to individuals, had prophetic words spoken, etc. All of this occurred organically, not according to a schedule or plan. Every single person there was important. I was really impressed that in the same way that the meal was created by the sharing of items that each individual brought, so the ekklesia itself took the shape it did because of the individuals gathered together and the gifts from God that each one brought. I really felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. Carla and others agreed. We had some intercession for family members, and ministry to certain individuals, as the Lord led. The Holy Spirit really ministered to one of the teens we prayed for, including the giving of words of knowledge and prophetic words.

We talked a little bit about the road ahead and a few people shared the sense that we will go through a time of difficulty and disillusionment, which is a necessary precursor to deeper relationships. One of our members, who is gifted in the prophetic, had many encouraging things to share, as well as a lot of words of wisdom. One thing she pointed out is that groups tend to go through four phases: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. We are in the Forming stage. The Storming stage is that time of disillusionment and tension. If we hold to our commitment to wrestle through that together we will come into our Normal state and then we’ll really begin to see some fruit (Performing). She also shared a vision she had had, which was very confirming and encouraging to me personally and I think to the group also. Carla sensed that there is also a time of deeper repentance coming, which will precede an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I like repentance, because it means turning from our own ways and moving in God’s ways. We have much to learn and grow into together.

We are also exploring how to aid a family we all know who needs assistance in a stressful situation, and there were volunteers to visit a member’s unsaved relative who is in jail.

Wow. Upreach, inreach and outreach. Can’t wait for next Friday. Tomorrow (Sunday) we’re going to go see the movie “Luther” and then have a dinner discussion about it.


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