Wednesday, April 21, 2004

A Religious Spirit

I went to a prophetic conference recently and had a great time. We are commanded in scripture to test the prophetic, so I tried to be open to the Holy Spirit but also discerning (in the sense of examining things in the light of scripture).

Lots of goofy stuff took place; fun worship, excited young believers, bad theology (and good), scripture taken out of context or mis-quoted, earnest adoration of Jesus, humor that at times was brilliant and at times bordered on offensive - in other words, a mixed bag. All was justified in the name of freedom and grace. That's ok by me; none of us have it all together - we all see through a glass darkly. I can swallow the meat and spit out the bones and know that I have my own foibles and blind spots.

At a certain point however (if I recall it was while people were being instructed to write their most pernicious sin on a balloon and then pop it with a pin), the pastor of the hosting church begain talking about "the religious spirit". Essentially, his point was that if you were uncomfortable or critical or in disagreement with anything that was taking place, you had a "religious spirit".

My thought was, "Wow, how nifty! A preemptive defense mechanism!" Anyone who might have concerns about what you do or teach (even if they can back it up with scripture) is obviously under the influence of a "religious spirit" and can therefore be summarily dismissed; their concerns unanswered. After all, who are we to question someone's doctrinal teaching, right Paul? Paul?

I've looked through my Bible and can find nothing there regarding a "religious spirit" (although I must consider the possibility that I have a "religious spirit" which is preventing me from seeing it in scripture).

Since I couldn't find anything in the Bible, I tried the Internet. Low and behold, Google came up with over 17,000 hits when I searched for "religious spirit". I learned that the "religious spirit" is actually roomates with the "Jezebel spirit" (another one that I can't find in scripture).

Most of the chatter on the web regarding the "religious spirit" is from various charismatic groups accusing each other of having one. They do all seem to agree with one-another though when it comes to the Baptists having one!

I started to wonder, in Galatians when Paul recounts the story of how he publicly rebuked Peter, did Peter have a "religious spirit" and, if so, why didn't Paul say so? Or maybe, it was Paul who had the "religious spirit" for openly criticizing an Apostle of the Lord! I don't know.

I'm being somewhat tongue-in-cheek here, but there are some serious underlying issues of manipulation and accusation. It seems to me that levelling the charge of "having a religious spirit" against someone is accusatory, manipulative and an attempt to maintain control through guilt and intimidation. I know who the father of that stuff is, and it ain't our Father in heaven!

Do you disagree with me? Well, maybe you have a ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. You said what I'm thinking. Is it me or them? I guess that's the power if the religious spirit, it brings confusion & we know who the father of confusion is. So this is what I have decided. I'm going to take a deep breath, submit myself to God's care & duke it out in church until I am either shown the door or am victorious in showing this little flock a more Christ like way.

These are the symptoms in the leadership
1: you must be at every service
2: you must tithe
3: you must have a ministry in the church
4: you must submit, & not disagree with the Pastor's theology

I believe he sees it as having a strong control as the overseer of our souls, which is understandable. He will give an account. I think his responsibility is fueling a spirit that's a bondage on the congregation. The spirit does not move there anymore & services are gruellingly redundant. A few members are selected as elders, which is fine, but no fellowship us exchanged in a personal way among the parishoners. In his zeal to protect his flock he had enslaved them. Their freedom in grace is now hostage to his expectations.

I truly think his heart is in the right place but he's participating in laying heavy burdens on his flock. The teachers and singers murmur bitterness in quiet whispers, but no one confronts the issue. There's no freedom at all.
Now as for me.

I don't have a ministry within the church so I'm viewed with skepticism. I do tithe. I don't attend every service. I don't complain, but am struggling to know if it's me failing to discern Christ in it, or if pastor's really off track. I do love them & believe they think they're doing the right thing but I don't think so. Do I have a religious spirit? Argh!!!

9:07 AM  

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