Larry Norman documentary

Filmmaker David Di Sabatino, who created the excellent Lonnie Frisbee documentary, has just announced the release of his newest film: FALLEN ANGEL: The OUTLAW LARRY NORMAN.
Here is the announcement from Di Sabatino:
Dear friends,
For the last little while I have been putting together a documentary on the life of Larry Norman. We are pleased to announce that the movie is finished and presently playing the film festival circuit.
The movie is entitled FALLEN ANGEL: The OUTLAW LARRY NORMAN, and includes interviews from many of the people with whom Larry worked with at the height of his success, many of whom are breaking their silence for the first time in more than 20 years.
Interviewees include Randy Stonehill, Pamela Newman (ex-wife), Philip Mangano (manager), Tom Howard (musician), Ray Ware (manager), Holly Benyousky (Street Level Artists Agency), Denny Fridkin (People!), Geoff Levin (People!), Robbie Levin (People!), Terry Taylor (Daniel Amos), Ed McTaggart (Daniel Amos), Jerry Chamberlain (Daniel Amos) and others.
On March 1, 2009 we were pleased to premiere the film at the Cinequest Film Festival in Larry Norman's hometown of San Jose. It was well attended, and the film spawned a long and heated discussion after it ended in the hallway.
Right after we came home, we received a "cease and desist" letter on behalf of the Norman family stating that we would be sued for 84 copyright violations. In answering this challenge, we filed a declaratory motion in a Los Angeles court to ask a judge to clear the movie based on our parsing of "Fair use" law. "Fair use" says that, just like the nightly news, a documentary filmmaker can use copyrighted materials in their movie in order to tell their story as long as it follows certain guidelines.
A few days ago we were pleased to find out that we had won the legal challenge and were free to use all the materials we wished.
It also came to our attention that there were people behind the scenes that were trying to derail the movie. Media outlets from CNN to The Tennessean to the OC Weekly are preparing stories about the goings on. You wouldn't believe it if I told you. So I will wait and let them do it.
Fallen Angel is being represented for an upcoming tour by Street Level Artists Agency (, a company started by Larry Norman back in the early 1970s. We are planning a tour of venues for nights of film & music where Randy Stonehill will appear to play a short set, followed by the playing of the movie and then both Randy and myself will take Q&A. If you have any interest in sponsoring a showing, please contact me at .
To read more about the movie, please go to .
David Di Sabatino
By "Festival Circuit" it would appear that the filmmaker means it has now - well into its second year since being released - played at a grand total of one (1) film festival.
It dont surprize me at all to find a very energy filled artist have a bold rebelious streak. Im sure, if the general religious population has had very close experiences with top pastors who were really getting things done, there would be some stories told. Without condomeing anything outside the definitions of love, there is also a thing called understanding. No on will ever get the chance to walk in Larry's shoes, but we can get the chance to open our eyes and minds, and realize, there is a real person inside each believer, and it may not meet the approval of the cookie cutter image we are forced to think is correct. Peace. yer fellow singer songwriter bullfrogs blues
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