Thursday, October 08, 2009

Sean Hannity on loving your enemy

I'm not a fan of either Sean Hannity or Michael Moore. Both men strike me as zealots, operating on opposite fringes of the political/social continuum. Neither man seems to have any qualms about bending (or breaking) the truth in order to push their idealogical agenda.

But this recent exchange between Hannity and Moore--which took a theological turn--was too rich to ignore:

HANNITY: Do you want to gut our military?

MOORE: You're afraid of a few hundred guys on monkey bars?

HANNITY: No, millions.

MOORE: Millions?

HANNITY: Millions that buy into Islamic fanaticism.

MOORE: Millions who are going to attack us.

HANNITY: I believe there's millions of people that believe there's virgins in heaven if they commit a suicide bombing.

MOORE: Well, listen, all religions have their fanatics, wouldn't you agree with that?

HANNITY: Some, not all, but most, probably.

MOORE: Including ours?

HANNITY: Are you one?

MOORE: I'm a religious fanatic? Yes, I am, actually. I believe that when Jesus said that you're to love your neighbor...

HANNITY: As yourself.

MOORE: ... as yourself, you're to love your enemy. Do you love your enemy?

HANNITY: I don't hate you, by the way.

MOORE: Do you love your enemy, though?

HANNITY: Yes, I do.

MOORE: You do?


MOORE: So you love Al Qaeda, then.

HANNITY: No, I don't love them. I love them in the sense that I want to destroy them.

MOORE: I don't think that's the love Jesus was talking about.


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