Ideas for contemporary worship song titles:

1. Thank You Jesus, For Not Unfriending Me
2. We're on the Short Bus to Heaven *
3. When I Survey Our Wonderous Doctrinal Statement
4. How Relevant Thou Art
5. The Pseudo-Jewish Minor Key Song
6. Set Me on Fire then Rain Upon Me
7. I Sit in Awe of You and Raise my Hands (Figuratively Speaking)
8. Come, Let's Celebrate (But Not Get Carried Away)
9. This Song is Scripturally Inaccurate and Doctrinally Flawed but it Has a Great Melody so We'll Sing it Anyway
10. He Is God (and Probably Republican)
11. Come, Let Us Sit and Hear a Sermon
12. O For a Thousand Watts to Sing
13. The Trinity Song (Father, Son and Holy Bible)
14: We Are One in the Spirit, Except for Those People Over There
(*This one was created by our Monday night book group as our theme song)
Any other ideas?
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