Just after midnight on December 9th, 2007, Matthew Murray went to the Youth With a Mission (YWAM) center in Arvada, Colorado and began shooting. He killed two people and wounded two others before running off into the Winter night. Twelve hours later, Murray entered New Life Church in Colorado Springs (the church Ted Haggard had been pastor of before resigning in the wake of a scandal). Armed with an assault rifle, two handguns and 1,000 rounds of ammunition, Murray killed two more people and wounded another three. Murray's rampage was stopped by Jeanne Assam, a church member, former police officer and volunteer security guard. Assam confronted Murray and, when he failed to surrender, shot and wounded him. Murray then shot himself and died.
New Life's Senior Pastor Brady Boyd credited Jeanne Assam with saving the lives of 50 to 100 people. He also revealed that it had been Assam's idea to increase security at the church that morning in light of the YWAM shootings. "I give credit to God." she said. Jeanne Assam was hailed as a Christian hero.
Now is has come out that Assam was asked by church leadership to leave New Life Center in 2009. According to Assam, "...it was made very clear to me, and believe me it was, that I was no longer wanted or needed at New Life after they found out I am gay."
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