Seattle's resident bully pastor has stirred up controversy again after referring to UK Bible teachers as "a bunch of cowards" and "men in dresses preaching to grandmas" in an interview given to Justin Brierley of the British magazine
Christianity. In response to the hoopla, Driscoll attempted to clarify in a post on his
website in which he referred to the interview as "the most disrespectful, adversarial, and subjective" he has had. The editor of Christianity magazine responded by saying ‘Justin’s interview with Mark Driscoll was robust and fair, and I utterly reject the claim that it was adversarial, disrespectful or subjective." Brierley has posted the
audio of the entire interview online, so that people can judge for themselves. It gets particularly interesting towards the end when Driscoll learns that Brierley's wife is a pastor and proceeds to bully and insult the interviewer.