Elmer Gantry

For years I've been meaning to watch the film Elmer Gantry.
It is based on the best-selling book by Sinclair Lewis about a fictional con artist who becomes a successful tent-revival preacher in the 1920's.
About three weeks ago I finally rented it. Although it's somewhat hokey and melodramatic - as films of that era tend to be - I also found it very moving.
One scene made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up: It takes place in the middle of a revival meeting; suddenly a man jumps out of his seat and, in an ecstatic state, begins barking and howling like a dog. I have seen this type of behavior in charismatic meetings, yet the film was made in 1960 - predating the Toronto Revival by 35 years!
Anyway, the movie touched me and left me feeling slightly unsettled. I found myself reflecting back on it for a couple of days.
Not long after that the news about Ted Haggard broke...
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