Friday, December 18, 2009

The "2009 Obama Republican Survey"

I must still be on the Republican Party's membership roles somewhere. Today I received a "2009 Obama Agenda Survey" from Michael Steele and the Republican National Committee. It is the most crass, disingenuous and intellectually insulting thing I've seen in a long time. If I hadn't already left the Republican Party, I certainly would after reading this "survey", which is actually a fundraising letter.

The bizarre "Obama Agenda Survey" includes questions such as, “Are you in favor of reinstituting the military draft, as Democrats in Congress have proposed?” (despite the fact that it's been three years since Democrat Representative Charles Rangel last introduced his bill to bring back the draft and the intention of Rangel's bill was to point out the absurdity of the Bush's war aspirations. As Rangel said at the time, "I don't expect my bill to pass; my purpose in introducing this legislation is for it to serve as a constant reminder that we have lost 2,200 of the best, brightest and bravest Americans, have had thousands more maimed, and countless Iraqi citizens killed.")

Ridiculous gimmicks like these "survey questions", which are used as a lead-in to asking for contributions, make it appear as if the Republican National Committee thinks their constituents are morons.

What on earth were they thinking? I can only conclude that it is desperation. Read it for yourself HERE.


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