Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Marie Colvin

A true hero and a voice for those who otherwise would not have been heard. Her final dispatch paints a chilling picture of the horror and futility and inhumanity of war.

Here is a tribute from one of her colleagues: We Lost a Great One - By Sarah A. Topol | Foreign Policy

Killed in the same rocket attack as Colvin was 28 year old RĂ©mi Ochlik, an award winning photojournalist from France (pictured below). At least 80 civilians were killed in rocket attacks throughout the day. Hundreds of civilians have been killed over the last three weeks.


Blogger Bean said...

It truly takes a courageous soul to go to these troubled areas of the world and literally put ones life on the line to report he atrocities that are occurring daily.

(linked to your blog from Kindred of the Quiet Way)


3:47 AM  

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