Eat. Survive. Reproduce.

I love this cartoon. I know that some interpret it as saying that for us too the meaning of life is to eat, survive and reproduce, but I don't take it that way. To me it points out the clear distinction--which we all know is there--between humankind and animals: Animals are driven more by instinct than rational thought whereas humans are driven more by rational thought than instinct. Humans have the capacity to reflect about the past, to ponder the future, to have existential angst about the present. But we also still have that evolutionary instinctual drive to eat, survive and reproduce. I believe a big part of God's intention for humans is for us to learn to be aware of and in control of our instinctual behaviors. We display varying degrees of success at accomplishing this. To the extent that we allow Him to guide us and shape us, we experience success at being less animal and more fully human.
I think it's shows how clouded and self riteous humans have become. We think we're better. We think we're here to do greatness.
We're just another species. One that happens to be able to think and communicate better. (or DO we? How do we KNOW we think deeper than the animals? Remember, a lot of times, less is more!!)
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