Hey, tomorrow's date is 10-10-10 which, if converted from binary to decimal, equals "42" which--if you've read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy--is the answer to the question of "life, the universe and everything". Plus, if you convert 101010 (or 42) to hexadecimal, it is "2A", which is a very desirable First Class seat on an airplane. What does it mean? WHAT DOES IT MEAN!? Plus, if you convert 101010 to ASCII, it is the number "52" and--as we all know--there are 52 weeks in a year. But the ASCII value of 52 designates the asterisk (*) character--which comes from the Greek "asteriskos", meaning "little star"--and is used to denote that additional information is available elsewhere. WHAT DOES IT MEAN!!!???
It means that if you didn't reach enlightment last Sunday, you never will. That was your chance. Sorry, Danny.
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