Happy Birthday to Me (belated)

Sunday was my 46th birthday. All in all it was an almost perfect day. Our son came home from college (not such a rare thing considering his college is only 15 miles away) and spent the weekend with us. Yesterday morning the three of us went to church, then to lunch at Ruth's Chris Steak House. A week ago I went to a product demonstration of some networking equipment and won a $200.00 gift certificate to Ruth's Chris in a prize drawing, so we used that to have a wonderful (and expensive!) birthday meal.
The real surprise was when we got home and I walked in to discover some of my dearest friends waiting inside. It was a surprise party. We spent the afternoon together sitting in a circle talking about the things of God and, at times, engaging in spirited theological dialog. I can't think of anything I would have rather been doing.
Lorna and Bill bestowed upon me the gift of a "genuine" Quaker hat. Someone said it makes me look like Gary Cooper in Friendly Persuasion. Lorraine, our pastor, was there and I told her that she was probably the only one present qualified to wear the hat (since she's been a Quaker all her life). She tried it on but reminded me that, as a woman, she would have worn a bonnet instead. The only picture I have handy is a grainy one taken with my cellphone. Someone else took better pictures with a real camera, which I'll post if I get them.
I don't think I'll be wearing the hat to Quaker meeting anytime soon, but I will put it on if Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormon's come to the door.
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